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Welcome! This site shows you opportunities to get involved and have your say on things that matter to you.

Live and recently updated activities are displayed below or you can search the full list of activities by keyword, postcode, interest and more.

Open activities

Browse the open activities below to find out more and have your say on what is happening in the borough.

Town Centre Perception Survey 2024

We would love to know your opinion on the Melton Mowbray Town Centre! This annual survey, initiated last year, provides a chance for you to share your views on different elements of the town centre. Your feedback will be used to help us evaluate the effectiveness of our town centre projects funded by the UK Government and, in turn, enhance the town centre experience for our residents and visitors in the future.

Closes 16 October 2024

'Repairing Trust' Call for Evidence

The Housing Ombudsman is exploring common issues in housing maintenance, following a significant rise in complaints about disrepair. This Call to Evidence will help us to understand how increasing repair costs, complaints, and skill shortages are impacting residents' safety in their homes. The Spotlight report on repairs and maintenance - 'Repairing Trust' will highlight some of the positive changes landlords have made to rise to the maintenance challenge and explore the complex...

Closes 25 October 2024

Leicestershire County Council Open Consultations

Leicestershire County Council run multiple county wide consultations each year. Visit the Leistershire County Council website and have your say on things that matter to you. The webpages will show you the different issues that they are currently looking for your ideas on, and tell you how you can get involved.

Closes 31 December 2028

Closed activities

  • Melton Borough Council's Housing Allocations Policy

    Melton Borough Council is in the process of reviewing its Choice Based Lettings and Housing Allocations Policy and is running a consultation to allow local residents and stakeholders to share their views.

    Closed 30 September 2024

  • Gambling Statement of Principles

    Every 3 years, we are required to consult on our Statement of Principles, which relates to how Melton Borough Council carry out functions under the Gambling Act 2005. We want to hear your views on the changes that have been made, and also understand any additional comments you may have. ...

    Closed 26 September 2024

  • The Local Government Boundary Commission review

    The Local Government Boundary Commission are reveiwing the electoral and boundary arrangements of all councils. They are currently consulting on new ward boundaries in Melton. They want to hear your views and understand what you think of the proposals and why you think that.

    Closed 16 September 2024

  • Green Infrastructure

    We would like to understand your use of green infrastructure in and around the borough and your appreciation of the existing green infrastructure. We will also ask you who you think could or should be involved in green infrastructure management in the Borough of Melton. Green Infrastructure is...

    Closed 6 September 2024

  • Safer Melton Partnership Consultation

    The Safer Melton Partnership (SMP), also more widely known as the Community Safety Partnership (CSP), was formed due to the introduction of Crime and Disorder Act 1998. This act placed a statutory duty on the Police, Local Authority, County Council, Primary Care Trust, Police Authority, Probation...

    Closed 30 August 2024

We asked, you said, we did

Below are outcomes for some of the issues we've recently asked about.

We asked

We asked for your views on the draft Climate Change Strategy, which has been drafted following our previous climate change consultation in 2022. We asked residents, businesses and local organisations if they agreed with the Strategy Vision, Key Principles, Key Delivery Themes, Strategy Delivery and the Approach set out in the document and whether they had any additional views to share.  

We did this to help us shape this community-based Climate Change Strategy and ensure it was fit for purpose in our local area.  

An Equalities Impact Assessment was also undertaken as part of the consultation process. 

You said

Each area of the strategy was well supported: 

  • Overall, most respondents supported the vision, as it is written or with some changes (81%) 

  • Overall, most respondents supported the key principles, as it is written or with some changes (77%).  

  • Overall, most respondents supported the Transport and Travel Actions, as it is written or with some changes (75%) 

  • Overall, most respondents supported the Housing, Buildings and Built Environment Actions, as it is written or with some changes (81%) 

  • Overall, most respondents supported the Natural Environment and Farming Actions, as it is written or with some changes (77%) 

  • Overall, most respondents supported the Greener Low Carbon Economy Actions, as it is written or with some changes (77%).  

  • Overall, most respondents supported the Waste and use of resources Actions, as it is written or with some changes (88%). 


It was highlighted that the vision statement could be improved by identifying clearer targets and goals, including dates, timescales or high-level milestones (for example, for reaching net zero) to help improve accountability.  

In regard strategy delivery, there was a desire that action is needed on tackling climate change but it was recognised that there would be significant challenges ahead, given resource limitations. It was expressed that by working together and adopting this strategy, a route map to begin tackling climate change in the borough could be developed.  

Concerns were raised about the current walking and cycling infrastructure, public transport links and the access to EV charging points within the borough; and there was support to improve this.   

‘Greening’ the borough as well as Melton town was supported but it was felt that more emphasis could be placed on this as an objective, to recognise the depleted biodiversity across Leicestershire.  


Building relationships with local universities was suggested as they who have the skills in the green economy and building relationships with them to support key projects.  

In regard equalities, having reviewed the responses it is considered that there are no comments that would lead to change of the strategy.   

We did

All comments made by respondents were read and, where appropriate, considered to help shape the final version of the Climate Change Strategy document. The revised strategy including the amendments made following the consultation was then considered and finalised by Members of the Climate Emergency Working Group.  

The final version, which you can view on our climate change webpages, was approved by Cabinet on 12th June 2024. 

To ensure the strategy can be delivered appropriately, we all have a role to play in tackling climate change and we need to work together to deliver on climate action. Following the consultation, the council will develop action plans, to prioritise this action given limited resources available.   

We asked

We wanted to know your thoughts on our Draft Corporate Strategy, which would set out our vision and aspirations for the future.  

We developed 8 Corporate Strategy Vision Statements; which shape the council’s long term vision and strategic focus until 2036. 

We asked for your feedback on these whether you agreed or disagreed that they should be included. 

You said

We had 63 responses to the consultation which were positive about all eight statements, and it was agreed that they should be included. 

However, there were some thoughts and comments about how we could update and enhance some of the Vision statements.  

Statement 1 
Feedback suggested an overall desire to have more district wide provision and update existing leisure facilities.  

Statement 2  
You fed back to us you thought that we should include a focus on improving people’s health alongside the need for additional healthcare facilities. 

Statement 3  
Although we referenced the need to be supported by the right infrastructure, you thought we needed to include reference to having the right facilities in place as well. 

Statement 5  
It was felt that this should be more focussed on the wider town centre and tourism across the borough as a whole. 

Statement 6  
You suggested that this should highlight Melton as the Rural Capital of Food and have a focus on green infrastructure alongside canals and waterways.  

We did

Following the comments you gave us, we updated the Draft Corporate Strategy and made changes to five out of the eight statements, as listed below.  

Statement 1  
We updated this statement to include an aspiration to include ‘facilities across the borough’.   

Statement 2  
We added to the initial aspiration with a commitment to ‘encourage activities to improve people’s health’. 

Statement 3  
We updated the original statement to include ‘supported by the right infrastructure and facilities’ 

Statement 5  
We revised this statement following your comments to be more focussed on the wider town centre and tourism across the borough as a whole ‘A bustling, vibrant and regenerated town centre, recognised as a regional destination, and supported by a thriving tourism sector’. 

Statement 6  
Following feedback around this survey we updated this aspiration to include delivering on the Rural Capital of Food and rewording the commitment to ‘maximising investment in our waterways, canals, walkways and green infrastructure’. 

This revised document went to Full Council and was approved on 8 February. 

The New Corporate Strategy 2024 –2036 came into effect on 1 April 2024. You can view it in full, including the updated vision statement online at: www.melton.gov.uk/corporatestrategy.