Green Infrastructure

Closed 6 Sep 2024

Opened 26 Jul 2024


We would like to understand your use of green infrastructure in and around the borough and your appreciation of the existing green infrastructure. We will also ask you who you think could or should be involved in green infrastructure management in the Borough of Melton.

Green Infrastructure is also referred to as Green and Blue Infrastructure and can include street trees, green roofs/walls, parks, private gardens,
allotments, sustainable drainage systems, through to wildlife areas, woodlands,
wetlands, roadside verges, green bridges, field margins, rights of way,
access routes, and canals and rivers and natural flood management functioning at local and landscape scale.

Before completing the survey you can view some frequently asked questions about Green Infrastructure on our Local Plans website.

Please be aware that this survey may look a little different to our others, this is because the survey is being undertaken by MD2 Consulting on behalf of the council. You can take part by clicking the link below, where you will be directed to a Google Form. 

Why your views matter

This survey is part of our Melton Local Plan Update.

By answering the questions you will help us understand local opinions on our existing green infrastructure in Melton borough, how you use them, how easy they are to access and who you think should be responsible for them. 

The results will help us shape the future of our local green infrastructure as we can use them to update our Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan. The Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan will be used alongside others, such as the Open Spaces Strategy and Action Plan we recently consulted on, to shape our Local Plan policies. 

Further information on the survey, including how the results will inform the preparation of the Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan, is included on the Council’s Local Plan webpages


  • All Areas


  • People who live in Melton


  • Planning Policy
  • Local Plans